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Well it wasn't too wild - at least not where I am.

However the poor weather has meant I have been stuck indoors. This has given me an opportunity to update the BeeInfo area.

With the Beginners' Course starting in March I am adding more pages to help beginners. So far I have added a glossary and a description of what is in the hive.

I will also be adding more pages in the coming weeks so watch this space.

First the warning:

As I write this on Monday 20th January there are warnings of more severe weather starting this Thursday. Again it will be in the form of strong winds and plenty of rain. Make certain that your hive is lashed together and weighted down to prevent it falllng over.

If you do have it all lashed together then at least if it does fall over the bees will suffer little more than a headache.

Hive strapped down - it's the biggest brick I could find!

My bees have been particularly active this last week though I suspect cleansing flights rather than foraging as there was little to see in their saddlebags. This tells me they are not in a tight cluster and therefore they are consuming more stores within the hive. This afternoon I checked their stores since if the weather at the weekend is baby weather - warm, wet, windy and wild - then they will not be able to get out to forage.

I am pleased to say that the bees are actively collecting the fondant and there is more fondant under the lid ready to be opened up for them.

Fondant over hole in cover board.

Now for something more positive:

The following dates are worthy of note in your calendar:

Tuesday 18th February 6.30pm Colliton Club Dorset Room for Zoom Talk & Social - details to follow.

Wednesday 19th March - Social at the Colliton Club.

Saturday 22nd March, Dorford Centre, Dorchester 2.00pm - County AGM with tea and cake

Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th May - Dorset County Spring Show at Puddletown

Saturday 18th October, Dorford Centre - Dorset County Bee Convention with speakers and trade stands.

Hope to see you at some of these events.

It is a quiet time in the apiary but that means you have more time to update and improve your knowledge on bees.

Bee Beginners' Course: This starts on March 11th at the Colliton Club in Dorchester. It does not matter whether you ever intend to keep bees or not - this course will tell you what is involved and you will get several opportunities to open hive and handle bees. The cost of the course is £60 and in addition you need to be a member of the Dorchester and Weymouth Beekeepers Association which is another £30. If you are interested then do contact our secretary, Sally at

OK that is nearly £100 but it is a chance to learn about keeping bees, a chance to open up hives and carry out several hive inspections and a chance to meet enthusiastic beekeepers. Compare that with the average cost of a single "Bee Experience Day" and you will see what an opportunity we offer. Further details of the course are on our web page.

Bee Behaviour Course: We are hosting a bee behaviour course at the Colliton Club in Dorchester starting Monday 20th January at 19:30 and running for six weeks. Those who attended the course last year were fascinated by what they learned. The cost of the course is £60, the equivalent of just £10 per week. If you are interested then do contact our secretary, Sally at Further details of the course are on our web page.

Social Evening: If you want to meet other beekeepers to find out if we all have beards and wear smocks, then why not come along to one of our socials and have a look. Our next one is Wednesday 22nd January at the Colliton Club in Dorchester from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you are interested in either of the above courses then this is an ideal chance to find out more.

Videos to watch:

  • Missed the Honey show last year? See them here.
  • Missed the BBKA lectures? See them here.
  • Want to know how to use Oxalic acid? Look here.
  • Just want some useful bee videos from BIBBA? Look here.

All the above links are taken from the DWBKA newsletter. The news letter contains a lot more information. if you want to see more then why not join us?