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Drones have grandfathers but not fathers!

"Drones have grandfathers but not fathers!" - this was my parting shot at a recent talk I did on the peculiarities of bees.

I had explained that drones are males and come from unfertilised eggs and that workers are female and come from fertilised eggs. There were several puzzled looks in the audience but several saw how that works.

That was not good enough for me and I have added a page to the BeeInfo section of the site which explains it more clearly. The page is here.

This is the time of year when bees should be quiet - though mine are still very busy bringing in pollen. Since there is less to do in the apiary I am doing more reading about bees. This means that I am producing more pages for BeeInfo. I have added a page on what is meant by "eusocial".

Have a look at the page on eusocial bees and if this is of interest to you then do remember we are running a course in the spring on Bee Behaviour in the spring. We are also running the Beginners' Course. Both of these are popular topics and early booking is a good idea.

For both of these courses contact our secretary Sally at:

And for those of you who have not renewed your membership - now is the time to do so.

Also I have just added a page on the Wax Moth. Well worth reading before you store your spare frames over winter.

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